Wednesday, February 27, 2008

:::: the spiritual beliefs of the beginning ::::

"How am i supposed to live in this world?" i frequently asked myself... is there really an easy way to a live as beautiful, as perfect and as easy as everyone had dreamed of? Luxury, fame, intelligence, respect, power, love... all the qualities that makes up a perfect life... as most of the organisms in this small world might agree, that's just a lie, a faulty statement that some fugly mentally psychotic dude would say... there is no shortcuts in this world to live in a perfect life, but there are obstacles that all of us (mind you, mind me...) will have to face, if not yesterday or the past; now, or maybe tomorrow, or the day after and after and after until you are buried into the dirty soil where we came from (that's a statement in Islamic beliefs; where we all are made from soil... dirty and worthless and function-less until we are brought up to this world to serve him, Allah the Almighty...) Well, if you are a Scientologist, or an Atheist or maybe a Free Thinker...... you might not think so... yes, not all of us now are made from soil as all the educated person (and do mind the not-so-educated ones...) know that we are made from the little tadpoles swimming through a canal to find a buried ball to play with and after 9 months playing with it, it grows and become you, from a baby to now... where you are able to read English fluently and without referring to a dictionary (if you are, drop it now, loser!). The reason that it is said so is because it's only a metaphor, to make the Muslims know that they are brought up from nothing to something to show how much powerful He is; so we would not disrespect Him... the truth? According to the Al-Quran (the Islamic book of order), only Adam is made from soil and Eve is made of one of his right ribs... then the whole tadpole playing ball happens and tadah… All the men and women in this world exist...

To live in this world would be a difficult process... not to be negative, but it's true... sometimes it felt so hard you'd rather kill yourself and end this right at that time... sounds easy huh? Guess what? Its not, and never will... and i'm not trying to be religious, but in all and i mean all religions... killing yourself is an unforgivable sin, a big 10over10 score for sins and what the Hell does that means? It means HELL!!! (like duh...) The fiery oven brilliantly large to bake every gingerbread man cookie (that's you, sinners!) into burnt bitter cookie crumbs or easily said, ashes (echoes:ashes,ashes,ashes....) Hellaluiah...


audrey said...

hey..i totally agree with your point that we should never ever find the easy way out by commiting suicide!!

さきょう said...

i always thought those who commit suicide are shallow-minded...

just because they cant seem to get wat they want in life, they end it. yes, we never get everything we desired, yet, there's still a lot more to forward in life!! eg. hot spring in Hokkaido!!! they just dont realise it... wat they thought is only on the surface...