Thursday, February 28, 2008

:::: when Death has taken its toll ::::

Before writing this, I had been thinking hard… whether to put this very little-discussed topic at the end of my entire blog or should I write it now… To be honest with you and even to myself, Death is not a fun topic to be discussed, no matter how hardcore-gothic you might be… so why on Earth would I discuss it now? Well, as easy for you to ask the question, as easy it is for me to answer… Death is not one thing to talk about much as it has much of a sensitive and taboo nature, either it is to take care of the feelings of the family of the departed or to respect the dead… because what’s past is past, you need to move on and look straight forward, right? Well I think that statement is for chickens (pussies if you’d prefer…). This is because Death is something not to be taken for granted as everyone goes through it… No, I’m not asking you to ignore the future or something, but we could learn a few things or so from Death itself… such as there is no such thing as immortality in human life as only God, His angels, and His demons are immortal… even the genies, ghosts, and all the supernatural stuffs may die, even if they are already dead… nothing lasts forever and we need to learn from Death, and make it a lesson for us to remember; so the same thing wouldn’t happen to us. I’m not saying that we can dodge Death because I already clearly stated that immortality is a myth. What I meant is we could have precautions of not having the same way Death took all of our loved ones… you must always make sure you’re completely ready everyday, every second and everywhere so you wouldn’t regret leaving this world when the time comes (you can’t predict Death, unless you’re holding the Book of Death or the Death Note for the Jap-horror fans)… that’s why all religions prohibit suicide, as you are still not ready physically, mentally or spiritually…
What brought me to even think of this grimly topic is the death of my beloved uncle from my father’s side… I did not know much about him and I’m not that close to him, but I can see my father’s pain, the agony of a soul that are very close to his own flesh and blood… and I felt his pain too. We certainly wouldn’t know the experience of being dead or being close to death (unless you were reborn or you had gone through a miracle; that is if you even remember). To leave this world, knowing that you’re not ready yet and knowing that you haven’t really done much for the world would make the ‘leaving’ process much, much harder… “To die would be an awfully great adventure” Pan (Peter Pan) once said with his neck at the end of Hook’s sword… that’s a statement of an animated Disney character when he's gonna die, but if that happens to you, will you say the same?


audrey said...

Just find you purpose and destiny in life and live life to the fullest!!

さきょう said...

"because what’s past is past, you need to move on and look straight forward, right? Well I think that statement is for chickens (pussies if you’d prefer…)."

i do not agree... though it is not as though u have to forget the past, it does not mean u have to linger around the past... cz u see, if u keep on holding to the past, u'll never move on.. just learn from mistakes u did from the past... n move forward... that's important, like kao-chan said, live life best!!