Monday, March 17, 2008

:::: damn annoying brats that won’t leave you alone… ::::

Have you felt so annoyed and angry at once? I bet I have… that’s my reason of typing this post… imagine you having a fight with your girlfriend, on phone from a long distance relationship, with screaming and frustrations, then came the incoming phone call from your best friend who is gay from the same place with your girlfriend went through a fight through phone with you, and then the matters just got worst as your best girl-friends group up and make a prank ‘do you know who I am’ joke call, while being tremendously babbled and nagged by your mother and then your siblings came asking lotsa crazy algebra and additional maths and geography, with your annoying neighbour karaoke-ing so bad you can see the glass is starting to shatter?!!!! Arghhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arghhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!….

That is what I had gone through before turning down on myself, I ran out of home, to catch a breath of peace and calmness. And when I start to think rationally, I went in… and realised that the condition is still as hectic as ever… I went to my laptop, put on the MCR songs as loudly as ever, beating the extreme sounds that came from my neighbour’s house, and typed this frustration relieving subject…

How can a woman be so tremendously moody when they’re on their “full moon”? I know, the pain and agony… but couldn’t they just tolerate with the others? Or at least their boyfriend? And why do some friends would just suddenly talk to you for advice after few months of not talking to each other and then blame you for supporting their boyfriend for the fact that they are the ones to be blamed? And why would some friends just don’t understand the tone of annoyed and anger when they called you and just understand that you need some time alone? And why the f***ing hell would the stranger-stalkers keep on bugging your asses off on your phone knowing that you don’t want to be bugged? And why couldn’t people just know that they are bad singers, so bad everyone would just kill themselves in order to make them stop? Why oh why????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Annoyance! Hatred! Anger!!! Arghhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As I’m huffin’ and puffin’ while writing this post, stamping on my laptop’s keyboard and looking like hell, I know that I should just stop typing now and just go to my pillow and scream… Arghhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


audrey said...

okay...i guess we did trigger one of ur nerves. sowie...