Monday, March 10, 2008

:::: when the heart questions… ::::

This very post is dedicated to my fellow friends out there that wished and hoped to change into a better person, not to the worst…Ok, when the heart questions us what to do, why we should do it, or how, is it something that we should take it as it is, or should we think about it before answering to those bugging questions in your head?… Of course when we’re not ourselves, we’ll just follow anything that pops out of our mind right? Well, when you’re “high”, or drunk, angry, confused or just being crazy, we might just follow our instincts because your brain is too stupid too think logically and normally… Your feelings and emotions, a factor that affects the human nature of thinking and instincts…when you’re happy and relaxed, you might be able to think logically and effectively but when you’re not you’ll just go bezerk and follow ‘what the bloody cricket’ stuffs your heart tells you to do…
First thing to do is take the deepest breath you can take (just don’t take it too deep until you die), and release it slowly… Ok, now, when your heart questions you to change yourself, ask yourself and I mean ask your brain, not your heart and think carefully…Are you changing for the better or the worst? Are you capable of changing to be like the one you’re thinking of? Will you be happy and will the others be happy with the change? Will it last forever? Why must the change be done? And the one and most importantly… DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE? I asked you to ask these questions to yourself because it is very crucial for yourself, to know your very own reasons for you to change… and be honest to yourself because it’s you we’re talking ‘bout here not me…and as far as I know, if you’re not true to yourself, you’re just being a hypocrite, lying not just to everyone, but to yourself too. Don’t change because of people that asked you to. And don’t even care about what the others tell, mock and laugh at you, just ignore them and move on… BE TRUE TO YOURSELF… if you’re someone that can’t take humiliation and just can’t take it anymore, just face the person(s) and say this… “F*** OFF!!!” with the most angriest and cynical facial expression you’ll ever have on your beautiful (or handsome) face. And make sure you don’t mingle with the group that didn’t accept you as you are… But, although most of the gang kind off disliked you, there are some that did liked you… and they did not actually hate you, they just hate your attitude, therefore all you need to do is change your attitude… So if you’re ready to change without feeling that you must change for the sake of being in the gang; unless it’s you who wanted it, then change, I bet all of your friends in the gang will do their best to support you until you became totally changed… if they don’t, then leave the gang because they don’t deserve you and before that, make a big finale, a maestro ending by saying the two professional words, “F*** OFF”… as simple as that isn’t it?
However, no matter how much important it is for you to think before making a decision, your instincts matters too… “Listen to your heart”… have you heard of such thing? I’m sure you’ve never heard of “Listen to your brain” right? So, the best way is to do both things, balance the ying and yang of making decisions… and if brains and hearts isn’t enough, think of the spiritual side, where the angels and demons play a part… and by the way, do you know that those two creatural species affects both the brain and heart? Sometimes it takes desperate measures for us to make a change… I mean it doesn’t always go when only you wanted it to happen, as sometimes you do need to change for the sake of others… take an example, you’re in this group, where everyone is stereotypically same and identically identical (whew, such tongue-twisting words!)… and there is no one else that have the same qualities like you that can click with… so the best way is to change so you can at least make good terms with the others… or the best way is to leave the ghastly stinkin’ place so you can be peaceful and happy to be with the others… or another example, you are in a group of perfectionist in this summer camp and you just can’t get along with any of them, but you would need their help and so do they need your help in order to succeed the challenges during the camp, so in order to get that happenin’, you must change… but the grass over there isn’t always greener right? I have no right to tell you to change because like I said, it’s all up to you to change, and change needs sincerity because without it, you’ll be a pretender that hypocritically lies to everyone… By the way, you’re not that desperate to impress everyone aren’t you? If you are, go ahead and change your arse off and never feel comfortable with it, never! And get that feeling till’ you reached that glossy bottom (by means buttered butt) to kiss everyday and spread your pouty lips with it… ‘Nuff said…