Tuesday, March 11, 2008

:::: forced… ::::

How does it feel, to do something that you don’t want to do? It SUCKS man, it SUCKS!!! I just hate it when I’m asked to do things that I don’t like, especially when I have to like it with what so ever reason… What makes matters worst is; it is my parents that asked me to do it… so I have no power to decline what they want me to do… Well what can I do, I’m still a kid, under my parents’ responsibility… but first and foremost thing that I dislike is doing something without sincerity… or simply called FORCED! That is what differentiates us from doing things sincerely or without a heart at all… When we’re forced, of course we felt tensioned, angry, and mostly insincere… one of the things I hate about people… I’m writing this with rage of being asked to do what I hate most… I’m not gonna tell you what it is because you’ll take me as a childish person; (well guess what? I am and I’m proud of it…)… I mean come on! Give me a break! Give the others a break! Just because we’re kids, or someone “lower” than you it doesn’t mean we have no feelings… we do and we hope that you people that just like to do things for us without our knowledge would at least care… Yes, you might be our dad, our mom, aunts, uncles, gramps or whoever, but we here matter too. Have you ever been forced to do something? I bet you have… and I bet you didn’t like the feeling don’t cha? And when we do the “things”, it will either end up horribly, incomplete, or still managed to be completed, but we did not feel good doin’ it… Well, what can we do? Ask yourself… and as I am asking myself, I can’t think of any word of positive-ness except ‘calm down’…

Calming down is the best way for you to have temporary (or permanent) control over the pressure of being forced… (So that’s how Cinderella did it huh?) By calming your senses, you are able to control your feelings and when you’re in control of your feelings, you will be in control of the situation… Ok; I’m a bit calmed up… (Gosh, writing philosophic blogs like this surely helps you to have control over your feelings huh?)… now when you’re all calmed down, start to think again… if your mind is as mischievous as mine, you’ll get to think of zillions of good ideas and positive–but-negative ways to avoid being told to do what you don’t want to do… I’ll harvest some of mine and juice it up here…

One, to avoid being continuously forced to do ‘It’, you shall AVOID by using all means… like if it has a timeline for example it starts at 8 o’clock in the morning, try to delay it… be it by sleeping (or pretend to do it) and not waking up even if there’s an earthquake or make a crappy but life-saving excuse by saying “I thought it’s 8 o’clock at night… sorry…” when asked why you’re late or didn’t make it…

Two, (this technique is only recommended for people that have creative-critical thinking…) give EXCUSES… give as many as possible, quickly dish out what goes on through your head that is logical enough to be made into a good excuse (note: your parents or family or boss or whoever it is are not stupid, they know you’re dishin’ out excuses… so be smart at serving it to them or it will backfire…).

Three, SYMPATHY… (This technique is recommended for drama royalties or people that have a face like Puss-in-Boots like the one in Shrek) do your face as sympathetic as ever, beg, act, sing, dance as dramatic, as musical and melodramatic as ever just to get votes (sounds like American Idol…) well the difference from AI is, you either be released from the forcing process, or punished for the worst with a red palm-shaped mark on your face… plus, the judges aren’t as tolerant as Paula and Randy and even worse than Simon himself… so before doing this maestrotipical performance, write a script and make sure it’s convincing… (and I mean your performance, not the script…)

And lastly, the most easiest but difficult-est thing to do… using your vocals, brains, and skills of persuasion (this technique, is recommended for people with political nature, debaters or people that know how to persuade a lot) Talk, COMMUNICATE with your forcer, politically reason out your views, dish out the pros and cons of the ‘forcing’, make sure the cons are more than the pros and when they try to disagree, dish out more, as loudly as possible, overlapping their voices and don’t give them any chance of fighting back…

I don’t want to be seen teaching people how to avoid stuffs that you’re forced to do and be a person that always avoids all the time… and I don’t want to watch people being forced to do things that they don’t want to do either… So this is my advice… when you’re asked to do something, make sure you accept it and agreed to all of the terms… Then, set a proper plan, a schedule (if it’s a chore, do it because it’s your responsibility). Another thing, when it is agreed and it’s under your responsibility, execute it… if you are told to do it because you delayed it or you didn’t do it as planned, it is not an order and they are not forcing… it is you who are f***ing lazy to do it until you need to be forced… Therefore I shall not grant you the ability to use my ideas in my previous post to avoid your responsibilities… By the way, the best way to handle forcing is by using the last idea which is to communicate and the better than the best way is by using all of it at once, without doing it too much or too little. But… (When there’s a but, give attention…) only use the communicating stuff on people that can tolerate you… (I wonder if Cinderella used the diplomatic way to the Stepmother, she would be thrown to the dark, slimy, no-fairy-dungeons) because if you went for a cold heartless person to beg for sympathy, to dramatise, or to be diplomatic, it’ll be such a waste… In fact, he or she will double your chores or anything related to what they are forcing you to do… So choose the right ideas, try to avoid using any of the ideas too much and be more tolerant… as by doing this, you can be calmer and be more positive…