Tuesday, March 11, 2008

:::: when hating yourself is not an option… ::::

Actually, I wanted to name this post as “Hated and Be Hated” like I promised my friend Jessica as I’m going to dedicate this to her, but I don’t feel right about the topic (actually I have no idea of what to write, sheesh, silly me…) so I changed to this one, as I think I have stories to share and ideas to tell… So this is it… when hating yourself is not an option, what do you do? Hate yourself of course, what else? But first, I would like to admit that I also hate myself especially when I just do what goes through my mind spontaneously without thinking; and I would like to apologise to my fellow Christian friends when they had came across the word ”HELLaluiah” from the ending of my first post. I found out that that was very disrespectful and I’m very sorry, as my intentions are just to make it as a joke, not to insult…

Hating yourself, a negative attitude for a better attitude… (Confused? You won’t, just continue reading…) what I meant by saying being negative for positive, is by hating yourself (negative), you’ll end up being a better individual (positive). When we turn to hate ourselves, we’ll go for the inner monologue-ing (Talk inside from your heart? Consciousness? Inner voices? Do you have any idea of what the HELL I’m talking?). Yes, we throw tantrums all over our heart and soul while criticising ourselves inside… and do you realise we dished out negative words to ourselves while doing so? And yes, you do feel better after the “You are so stupid, Why must I be like this, I’m such a goner” process… this is because we are human beings, that have likes and dislikes, that have feelings, that regret over something bad we had done … and if you have a friend that go for outer monologue-ing when he or she criticise themselves, pay attention as they do need it, lots and lots of attention… Like I said, hating yourself IS a negative thing to do, but it turns out to be positive at last… this is because as you hate yourself so much and by throwing those not-so-kind words to yourself, those words can be a big motivational word for you to be better… I mean for example, you keep on saying like “Why must you be so stupid?”, it can help you to be a better, not so stupid person… As long, you continue to be POSITIVE about it… hating yourself is like putting yourself at the end of a pirate ship’s plank… one side is the pirates with swashbuckling swords and the other side is the wavy sea, with tick-tock-sounding alligator waiting to chomp you down (sounds familiar eh?)… This shows that hating yourself can be negative too… that is, if you continue to be a bad egg towards yourself… you should take every critic that you tell to yourself or any from the other source out of your rough endoplasmic reticulum (oops, the epidermis) seriously and very, very positively… For example everytime people ‘critic’ you, you shall say “thank you”, as a form of appreciation of knowing that they care for you and they want you to change to a better person… Don’t take it as a mocking as that will make you angry, moody and feel uncomfortable all the time. In fact, they might be annoyed with it and continue “appreciating” you and you shall say thank them as much as they appreciated you… and as the appreciation process continues, they will feel tired and extremely annoyed, and move away… as easy as th-ank-you…

So what’s the conclusion? Hating yourself isn’t bad, but it’s bad… (Confused again? I am too…sigh). Ok, take it like this… don’t hate yourself too much, and NEVER bring yourself down and NEVER let anyone else do the same… although hating yourself is an optional thing to do but actually we shouldn’t, there are at certain times where we just can’t do anything else other than that… So hate yourself positively and temporarily, and USE EVERY CRITIC AS A MOTIVATION TO BE BETTER, and always be POSITIVE no matter what as when you discover the miracle of being positive, you’ll thank yourself for it… (Awww, don’t flatter me, flatter yourself… hehehe)


audrey said...

U're clearly confused. Dun worry, I am too. I still tink that hating urself and lowering ur self-esteem can do any help..both in the present or the future.