Saturday, March 8, 2008

:::: HEROES concept towards life now… ::::

Ok, what’s with the fanatic fans of HEROES? What’s so cool about it? And how the heck does this TV-related topic has anything to do with my so called philosophical blog? Too philosophical eh? I’ll show you even TV shows can be philosophic… the concept applied to the Heroes episodes, from one plot to another shows people, ordinary people realised that they had powers, be it the ones that they like, and some just try so hard to hide it (If you know the feeling of being a freakshow, you might as well do the same…). The story starts as Dr. Suresh made this experiment cum project called the ‘Human Genome Project’. In this DNA-related with all the scientific stuff in this project, it shows a few, no, a lot of names of people that are suspected to have gone through another stage of human evolution (not Mitsubishi Evolution, ok?). Then it shows the people in that list and their daily life story and bla bla bla….

In that TV show, there lies people with their unique powers… some with powers like having control of time and space, some having split personalities of their evil sister (oh, poor Nicki…), some with the ability to float in the air, paint the future, heal tremendously no matter how you hurt yourself (gosh, I wish I have that power…), pass through objects, extraordinary memory, copycat people’s powers, read mind, control mind and telekinesis (another power of the mind) and even be apocalypse themselves (kaboooshh!!! another cool factor…) and more and more and more…(what do you expect? It’s a long, long list…) what differentiates them from each other is the fact that they chose to be with the good side or to the dark alleys… and do you realise that most of the powers stated are like those in X-Men? Of course, when it comes to people with powers, they have no other “bright” ideas other than those kinds of powers…

Similar to life on Earth, but different to life Earth, (sigh, this kid’s got the metaphor syndrome didn’t he? Always non stop metaphors…) Yeah, I used a lot of metaphors in this blog, as the use of those confusing inner layered words is what differentiates my blog, from my friends’… by the way, like I said, similar to life on Earth, but different to life Earth, we here have gone through a lot of evolutionary process, if you trust Darwin (Charles Darwin to be more factual), we came from monkeys, primates, gorillas and chimps evolved to this vulgar savages that knows nothing, evolves to vulgar savages that knows something and evolved to bla bla bla to us, Homo Sapiens sp. a human being in urban areas of the world, modernised and able to dress rightly (still, there are people that dressed like those savages on Halloween, sigh)… I wonder, do you even want to be associated with those “uuk eek eek ark ark” sounding animals? I don’t… that’s for sure…

And although we don’t have powers like they do, we know that we don’t need powers to live on life… as the powers bring two meaning towards us, one, it will bring you good stuffs and two, it’ll bring you bad things… in fact we already have the powers those superheroes have… such as having control over people’s mind or also known as the power of manipulation and persuasion… Yes, manipulation and the ability to persuade people to do what we want to do or what we want them to do is already a power inside us, it’s just up to the person whether they know how to use it or not…Yeah, you can’t pass through objects and travel through time and space, but you can have amazing memory, be a copycat and most amazingly be Apocalypse yourself… Yeah, just throw on some tantrums on the rules of the world and break ‘em (not bend it, ok… only I am the rule bender…) and be Apocalypse, ruining peeps lives, ruining the environment, ruining the world, and bellissimo! You’re on your way towards being Apocalypse (although you’re not gonna explode yourself like Peter Petrelli saw himself did and ruin the whole Hero-polis, you’re still one heck of an Apocalypse…) Whatever it is I hope you did not always ask from Him for you to have powers… the reason He didn’t give it to you is reasonable enough and no need for questioning… You don’t need the powers if you can manipulate people, but first you would need to manipulate yourself…You wouldn’t need to wish for powers to transport yourself like Hiro or the Jumpers in Jumper, or orb out like Whitelighters in Charmed when you’re so tired walking to a very long distance, just lie down on the highway (small roads are more recommended), and pray that someone will stop just right with their tyres right by your Adams apple and carry you to where you wanted to go… crazy aren’t I?


audrey said...

ah~ heroes! U gotta love, em! I guess if God does let us have powers, Hiro and Claire's powers would be ultra uber cool!!